Young Women into Construction; Raising Industry Awareness

Young Women into Construction; Raising Industry Awareness

On the 13th of October ninety-five young women from each high school in Renfrewshire flooded into West College Scotland in Paisley to be inspired by women who have built successful careers in the Construction and STEM Industry (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

The event was supported by Renfrewshire Council, British Gas, Clark Contracts, the NHS and Sweco, who all have challenges in recruiting female apprentices into traditionally male dominated roles.  Not only did the young women get the chance to speak to the employers about their careers but also about future opportunities within the company. In addition to this, participants got the chance to get their hands dirty and try some practical activities in renewables, painting and decorating, bricklaying and joinery.

Great fun was had by all in attendance and hopefully it made some steps towards addressing gender imbalance in the construction industries!


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